The Brothers to Brothers Men’s Ministry is an initiative for men to connect with one another in an atmosphere of discipline, teaching, and living together.
We aim to follow Jesus’ example of joining together, learning together, and experiencing life together.
Society has made every effort to obscure the biblical picture of manliness. We, however, seek to emulate Jesus and what the Bible says about man’s role in his community, church and family, which is:
We are to be leaders to those around us in the community, and in our places of work. We build Christ-likeness through surrender to Jesus: listening and obeying Him. We do this by reading and studying Scripture, regularly and fervently praying, and joining together to help each other;
We are called to follow Jesus and to lead our families in the process. We are to support and love our wives as Jesus cared for, sacrificed for, and loved the church. We are also to raise our children by sharing with them God’s love, grace, and discipline.
We are eager to have you join with us!
For any questions or if you are interested in more information regarding the group,
please email: kcogoffice@gmail.com